Certification Use Cases

There are 21 use cases that you can do with our SDK as follows:

NoUse Cases
1Merchant is authenticated into SmartBridge
2Merchant can select the terminal (among multiple terminals) via EPOS till.
3Merchant can initiate a sale via EPOS till.
4Merchant can initiate a refund via terminal.
5Merchant can cancel a transaction via terminal.
6Merchant can cancel a transaction via EPOS till.
7Merchant can execute cashback via EPOS till.
8Merchant can list/filter the transactions by status via EPOS till.
9Merchant can list/filter the transactions by type via EPOS till.
10Merchant can list/filter the transaction by transaction ID via EPOS till.
11EPOS till can retrieve details of transactions.
12EPOS till can retrieve the status of the ‘sale’ transaction outcome.
13EPOS till can retrieve the status of the ‘canceled by user’ transaction outcome.
14EPOS till can retrieve the current stage of sale at any point in the transaction lifecycle.
15Merchant can print receipts via terminal.
16Merchant can process Chip and Pin (CNP) transactions.
17Merchant can process Swiped transactions.
18Merchant can process Contactless transactions.
19Merchant can view all transactions processed by a terminal in EPOS till.
20Merchant can start an XBAL report for a specific terminal.
21Merchant can start a ZBAL report for a specific terminal.

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