Integrate with your app
This guide provides an overview of how to integrate our iOS SDK into your app.
- Xcode
- A physical iOS device
- Valid SDK credentials (SB Client ID, SB Secret, oAuth URL, API Base URL, and Callback URL)
- Experience building Application using swift
Step 1: Create a new project on Xcode
- Download the library from our Github repo link.
- Open the Xcode and select Create a new Xcode project.
- Select App and click Next.
- Give a name for this project and click Next.
- Click Create.
- Right-click on the new project and select Show in Finder.
- Open the terminal on your Mac.
- Enter cd /your project location. For example:
cd /Users/Dekstop/RMSDemo
- Input the command below and click Enter.
pod init
Step 2: Installing RMSCocoapodsLibrary to your project
- On the Podfile, insert the code below:
source ''
- Under the # Pods for RMSDemo (iOS) insert :
pod ‘RMSCocoapodsLibrary’
- Save and Close the file.
- Open the terminal and change the directory to your project folder.
- Enter the following:
pod install
- On your project folder, open the RMSDemo.xcworkspace.
- Go to Pods > Pods > RMSCocoapodsLibrary to check if you have successfully installed the library for this project or not.
💬 We're here to help!
If you're looking for help, shoot us an email. Please include a description of the issues that you are running into.
Updated over 3 years ago