SDK Functions Definition
In this article, you will understand the definitions of various functions within our iOS SDK.
Functions | Definitions |
public init(clientID: String, clientSecret: String, authorizeUrl: URLConvertible, accessTokenUrl: URLConvertible? = nil, responseType: String, contentType: String? = nil, baseURL: String) | Initializes the SDK. This function needs to be called first before the SDK usage to set up all the important parameters. |
open func authorize(withCallbackURL callbackURL: URLConvertible?, scope: String, state: String, parameters: Parameters = [:], headers: RMSOAuth.Headers? = nil, completionHandler completion: @escaping TokenCompletionHandler) -> RMSOAuthRequestHandle? | The SDK function to authorize the user. |
open func authorize(withCallbackURL callbackURL: URLConvertible?, scope: String, state: String, parameters: Parameters = [:], headers: RMSOAuth.Headers? = nil, completionHandler completion: @escaping TokenCompletionHandler) -> RMSOAuthRequestHandle? | Disables the debug logs into the logcat. Logging is disabled by default. |
open func getTerminalList( parameters: RMSOAuth.Parameters = [:], headers: RMSOAuth.Headers? = nil, completionHandler completion: RMSOAuthHTTPRequest.CompletionHandler?) -> RMSOAuthRequestHandle? | The SDK function to list all the terminals. |
open func getTransactionList( parameters: RMSOAuth.Parameters = [:], headers: RMSOAuth.Headers? = nil, completionHandler completion: RMSOAuthHTTPRequest.CompletionHandler?) -> RMSOAuthRequestHandle? | Lists all the transactions. |
open func getTransactionListByType(transactionType: String, parameters: RMSOAuth.Parameters = [:], headers: RMSOAuth.Headers? = nil, completionHandler completion: RMSOAuthHTTPRequest.CompletionHandler?) -> RMSOAuthRequestHandle? | Filters all the transactions by type. |
open func getTransactionListByStage(transactionStage: String, parameters: RMSOAuth.Parameters = [:], headers: RMSOAuth.Headers? = nil, completionHandler completion: RMSOAuthHTTPRequest.CompletionHandler?) -> RMSOAuthRequestHandle? | Filters all the transactions by stage. |
open func getTransactionListByStatus(transactionStatus: String, parameters: RMSOAuth.Parameters = [:], headers: RMSOAuth.Headers? = nil, completionHandler completion: RMSOAuthHTTPRequest.CompletionHandler?) -> RMSOAuthRequestHandle? | Filters all the transactions by status. |
open func checkTransactionStatus(transactionId: String, parameters: RMSOAuth.Parameters = [:], headers: RMSOAuth.Headers? = nil, completionHandler completion: RMSOAuthHTTPRequest.CompletionHandler?) -> RMSOAuthRequestHandle? | Retrieves the transaction details. |
open func setActiveTerminal(terminal: NSDictionary) | Sets the active terminal among multiple terminals. |
open func setActiveTerminalById(terminalId: NSString) | Sets the active terminals by the terminal ID. |
open func requestReportByType(type: String, parameters: RMSOAuth.Parameters = [:], headers: RMSOAuth.Headers? = nil, body: Data? = nil, completionHandler completion: RMSOAuthHTTPRequest.CompletionHandler?) -> RMSOAuthRequestHandle? | Creates the report from the active terminal. |
open func cancelTransaction(transactionId: String, parameters: RMSOAuth.Parameters = [:], headers: RMSOAuth.Headers? = nil, completionHandler completion: RMSOAuthHTTPRequest.CompletionHandler?) -> RMSOAuthRequestHandle? | Cancels the transactions. |
open func renewAccessToken(accessTokenUrl: URLConvertible?, withRefreshToken refreshToken: String, parameters: RMSOAuth.Parameters? = nil, headers: RMSOAuth.Headers? = nil, contentType: String? = nil, accessTokenBasicAuthentification: Bool = false, completionHandler completion: @escaping RMSOAuth.TokenCompletionHandler) -> RMSOAuthRequestHandle? | Refreshes the token |
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Updated over 3 years ago